The highly anticipated follow-up to “Victory Shall Be Mine” GMAC releases its third CD recording!

Most Popular Songs So Far: 
According To Your Faith
Thank Him
Walk This Road To Glory



  1. GMAC Volume 1
  2. Victory Shall Be Mine
  3. You Better Get Ready

Wooten Choral Ensemble

The oldest community choir in the country. Founded in 1949

Most Popular Play On Artists:

Anthems, Spirituals, Hymns, Traditional & Contemporary Gospel

Top Albums

  1. Altar Stairs of Songs
  2. Beams of Heaven
  3. Because He Lives
  4. Praise Him!
  5. A Psalm of Celebration
  1. I’ll Always Praise His Name
  2. Lord We Give Thanks

Trinity United Church of Christ

The choirs of Trinity! Under the pastorate of Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.

Most Popular: 

Sanctuary Choir & Women’s Chorus


Top Albums

  1. The Artist
  2. Good News!
  3. Let Your Will Be Done